Programming in VRChat

VRChat でのプログラミングについて調べたことの書き溜め

VRChat Vector Mathematics

Ways to calculate vector with GameObject transform and VRC_SceneResetPosition.

Object transform and VRC_SceneResetPosition are vector math library in VRChat!


  • For any vectors : A, B
  • For local space origin : O
  • For rotation matrix : r
  • For scalar : k
  • For indexing local space :
    • _ps: in problem space
    • _ss: in solution space

Object hierarchy :

P        // local root
 - Q     // child object
    - R  // grand child object

Move vector

Move a vector to another local space. A_ps => A_ss


  1. Move P to O_ps
  2. Move Q to A_ps
  3. Move P to O_ss
  4. Then, Q is at A_ss

Add vectors

Add two vectors in problem space and get result in solution space. ( A_ps, B_ps ) => (A + B)_ss



  1. Move P and Q to O_ps
  2. Move R to A_ps
  3. Move Q to B_ps
  4. Move P to O_ss (skippable if O_ps = O_ss)
  5. Then, R is at (A + B)_ss

Subtract vectors

Subtract two vectors in problem space and get result in solution space. ( A_ps, B_ps ) => (A - B)_ss



  1. Move P to O_ps
  2. Move Q to B_ps
  3. Move R to A_ps (R's local transform is subtract result)
  4. Move Q to O_ss
  5. Then, R is at (A - B)_ss

Rotate and scalar multiplication

Rotate a vectors in problem space and get result in solution space. Scalar multiplication solution is identical. So both could be done at once.

  • ( r_ps, A_ps ) => (r * A)_ss
  • ( k, A_ps ) => (k * A)_ss
  • ( k, r_ps, A_ps ) => (k * r * A)_ss


  1. Move P and Q to O_ps
  2. Move R to A_ps
  3. Move Q to r_ps
  4. Move P to O_ss
  5. Then, R is at (r * A)_ss


I lean this technique from by CyanLaser. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work.